Rejected Porn Comics

Issue 1

As all Maseheads know, Alvin Blacksmith and I did a series of comics conveying concupiscent characters for Meat Rack Magazine—featuring "ladies who get there before they arrive.” Alvin and I created ribald and raunchy renderings that helped boost sales during the dark days when porn was available on BetaMax and magazines sales were slipping.

However, the comics that actually got published—as great as they were—didn’t excite the the imagination as much as the comics that were rejected by punctilious, particular publisher Otto Blinkman. Before social media, before e-mail, hell, before fax machines, the rumor mill got a hold of the hostile harangues hoisted upon myself and Alvin by Blinkman, whose concept of “sexy” was quite narrow, and the entire publishing industry was almost destroyed by the conflagration.

After forty decades, CyberMase Publishing is finally presenting these controversial comics. Did Blinkman make the right call? Were Ol’ Mase and Awesome Alvin given short shrift? Judge for yourself and buy the first issue of Rejected Porn Comics.

20 Pages in Full Color plus a Bonus Pin-Up of Sexy Cici! 

$3 for the e-book, $5 for the print comic book.

Instagram @mase_corgan